is about a woman and her sister. Though she finds romance with a detective, she struggles with her past and a dysfunctional family life. The detective fights to solve a crime involving a violent assault. The action takes place in a vintage Victorian hotel. This play will be shown on November 18th and 19th at 7 pm at the North Park Vaudeville and Candy Shoppe theater on 2031 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, 92104. Enjoy the video Dream Productions' 4th production in San Diego, free, donation
Plymouth Congregational Church 2717 University Av June 23rd & 24th 7:00 pm Download Prolog Download the whole play is a pdf format ($25), ready to be printed tells my life story, which includes notes about alcoholism and depression. It will appeal to all those with mental or alcohol problems and hopefully to others who need to overcome a tragedy in their life. It is a Christian book but I'm not preachy and do not rely on religious doctrine.
to be produced on August 14th this year. This is based on the biblical story of Noah and his Ark but it has country western background music. Download and Print the whole play in Pdf formatis a play about a country girl who attends an international university and the struggles she has with the challenges she meets there. She is a confused young person mainly because she hasn't learned to communicate well. Her help comes from an understanding room mate. This play was produced in 2013 at the Tenth Avenue Theater in San Diego. Download the whole play for $25 (in Pdf) to be printedtakes place right after World War II and was produced in December of 2013 at the Tenth Avenue Theater in San Diego. It's about post traumatic syndrome and work place harassment. These issues were relevant in those times, especially to the main character, a poet, who needs to find her niche in the big city. For the full play ($25/copy)is about addiction. The main character fights her way out of a dead- end relationship and her own compulsive drinking by setting new goals for herself. The addict in her life returns but is a very different person. What should she do? is a shorter play about the affect of war on family life. A father and son are both in wars at different times and the family must come to terms with the challenges of being in the military. This takes place in modern times and has a surprise ending. " is the story of King David from the Old Testament. It is a full length play about David's military life and how this affects his family, the women and children in his life. It includes at least four women characters, and follows David's life in detail. The point of view aims at bringing the story of David to a modern audience. |