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Plymouth Congregational Church, at 2717 University Avenue, North Park was the scene of Donna's biblical play "Get It Right". It was the Noah's Ark story replete with ancient hutch, outdoor tree and wooden ark.
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The auditions for the first production called "Longing" took place at an entertainment center in North Park, near San Diego. "Longing" was a semi-autobiographical play about a young woman from a small town and her coming-of-age struggles at a big city university
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This was a practice for "The Break Room" which took place at a small theater in a well-known local historical site. "The Break Room" was written by Donna, poems by Janet Bingham, and Editing by Lolly Boroff. It was followed by a holiday reception.
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This is backstage at the vintage "Tenth Avenue Arts Center" in downtown San Diego. The dressing room was filled to the rafters during the play "The Break Room" was set just after World War II, at Christmas.